Free Download PC Game Quake 4 Full Version

Friday, May 8, 2015

Baiklah sobat, postingan kali ini saya akan share sebuah game FPS ( First Shooter Person ) yang pastinya sudah dikenal oleh sobat gamer semua. ya, nama game nya adalah Quake. game yang didukung oleh grafis yang mantap dan baik serta jalan cerita yang seru yaitu peperangan melawan Alien yang ingin menguasai bumi. pokoknya pas buat membunuh kebosanan. tertarik? langsung Download saja Game nya...!

         Sistem yang dianjurkan :
CPU: Pentium 4 or Athlon XP
CPU Speed: 2 GHz
RAM:512 MB
OS:Windows 2000/XP
Video Card:100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64 MB 3D Hardware Accelerated video card (NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti+ / ATI Radeon 9700+)
DirectX version:  DirectX 9.0c (included on disk)
Sound Card: Yes
Free Disk Space:  2.8 GB of free disk space (plus 400 MB for Windows swap file)
CD-ROM:  8X Speed CD or DVD-ROM and latest drivers


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Excuse me if any trouble

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Excuse me, maybe blog has some problems yet ( Empty pages or bad images, ... ).
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Game Fight Kingdoms of Amalur VS Skyrim Review

Kingdoms of Amalur VS Skyrim.
The gaming industry is always producing new games to inspire mutual linkage of the best features of the Franchise, franchise and adapt to the new series. But all of that market that determines whether able to attract all lovers of the game or tidak. Two RPG game that has similarities are: Kingom Of Amalur and Skyrim.

This game comes from two different companies. Skyrim which is the fifth series of the franchises Elders Scroll Bethesda has managed to gain worldwide recognition as the best RPG game earlier in the year 2011. While on the other hand, its competitors - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning from Big Huge Games and Electronic Arts is one of the RPG game which is quite anticipated this in 2012. Long before its release, the game has been compared to each other thanks to the common elements of their stretcher. One of the strongest is the common source of ideas that came from Ken Rolston known figure in Elders Scroll series first.

Not an exaggeration to bring both these games into a-mano battle which to compare whos better. Because both are RPG games that was born from the western world with the specific characteristics and identity, then the indicator fight this time is different than the article GameFight: Modern Warfare Battlefield 3 VS 3 ago. All indicators are used as the theme, is subjective, seen as elements that are a determinant of the quality of an RPG game. Who is better? Lets see.


One of the most important element in an RPG game. As the game is the theme of adventure in a fantasy world, the plot is the most fundamental basis for building a whole world full of wonders. Without a strong story, the struggle to save the world and the kingdom to hundreds of hours would be meaningless. Skyrim comes with a clear story line, regardless of the possibility that he was present at the game. It comes with a story drawn explicitly from the beginning. While presenting the story slowly Amalur open and contain a mystery until the end of the game. Kingdoms of Amalur must be recognized to present the path presents a more interesting plot because it raises the curiosity for gamers who play them.

Kingdoms of Amalur [1] VS Skyrim [1]
Freedom to Act

One of the things that make Western and Japanese RPG game different from each other is the freedom to act and the consequences that arise from the system. Amalur Skyrim and also provides the same features. From the second game, Skyrim presents the most absolute freedom. You can do anything in this game. Although the main quest and sidequest is available as a direction to move, but they did not specify what should or should not be done in Skyrim. You are given the freedom as far as you are able to understand the consequences that may result. On the other hand, Amalur also trying to come with the same idea, but unfortunately the execution is still limited to certain options. More freedom from the options provided and the consequences attached to it, so to minimize the probability of an action. One of the most obvious example in Skyrim, you could be anything, while in Amalur, you can only choose the job-specific job provided.

                                           SCREEN SHOOT KINGDOM OF AMALUR

Kingdoms of Amalur [1] VS Skyrim [1]
Battle System

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a pure RPG actioni game, in which classical elements such as the Active Time Battle and Turn-Based system is shut down to support the flow of battle is over run quickly and smoothly. Thus, he remained at the "law" which became limit the definition of an RPG game. While on the other hand, break down boundaries Amalur small and present Action RPG system that is more felt as a hack and slash game ala Devil May Cry. Who is better between the two? The answer is Skyrim. Although close to the fast action, Skyrim battle presents a unique mechanism that relies on diversification on the probability of dual-wielding main character. Therefore, there are many combinations that can be presented. While in Amalur, the fight is limited to the weapons used without possibility raises a variety of fighting styles and different in a significant level. Skyrim won the battle on this one.

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Kingdoms of Amalur [1] VS Skyrim [2]
World Design

One thing that most makes and Amalur Skyrim different and gained popularity among fans of Western RPGs is that they tawarakan world wide. Is an impossibility to be able to complete all games in such games the other conventional. There are tens to hundreds of places you can singgahi, from the town, dungeon, to the extent of grasslands that you might encounter there. Regardless of the game which provides more opportunities to explore all these places, is more interesting to discuss who is providing the world a more beautiful visually. Skyrim may be a realistic landscape of how a world may exist, but Amalur bring the colorful fantasy of a more viscous. Of course much more interesting to feel the world is more colorful than the world of darkness and despair. Therefore, Amalur won the right to position this time.

Kingdoms of Amalur [2] VS Skyrim [2]
Role - Playing

Many gamers are often forgotten that the letters "RP" in the "RPG" Role-Playing is where the real core of the game is about playing the role. An RPG game deserves to be called as an RPG game if he could make the gamers who play was involved in a game and able to bring together experience in a game. This experience could arise if the system works with a maximum at the consequences of any action taken by the gamer. Not only that, the less bound to act on the limited options will also make the gamer is free to build whatever they want. Of both the existing game, Skyrim provide this opportunity better. In fact there are some gamers who were able to build character "Monk Peace" that is able to complete the game with only certain people to kill and sneak without killing another character altogether. While in Amalur, this role is so limited and closed on the options provided by Big Huge Games.

Kingdoms of Amalur [2] VS Skyrim [3]
Time Gameplay

With hundreds of places you can explore and hundreds of sidequest you can accomplish, and Amalur Skyrim just need to be completed by full time, but also the commitment and hard work. Every developer claimed that their works can be enjoyed by hundreds of hours, even forever. But of the two, which are able to prove it? Skyrim and Amalur does not mess around with what they say, because they built the world is so vast to be explored only in a single day. However, Amalur provide different priority than Skyrim. Almost all of the dungeon is presented in Amalur always associated with side-quests that can be taken any time, making it almost pointless to explore any of them for random reasons. While on the other hand, Skyrim provides so many places that are sometimes present in random and not associated with side quests that may be taken in the future. Skyrim create an aura of mystery to the many gamers who feel powerless to resist the temptation to explore every dungeon they encountered, regardless of the possible results they get. For this time, Skyrim win again.

Kingdoms of Amalur [2] VS Skyrim [4]

The highest achievement for an RPG game not only in the sense of involvement and unique gameplay mechanism, but also the overall experience is presented. The ability to bring the epic feeling of not only come from just the story and battle mechanisms, but also various other elements that are sometimes overlooked. Music, drawing the world, character design, enemy design, a random element, to the ability to bring the freedom that qualified to be a major force to make this sensation flowing in every gamer your bloodstream. Between them, are perfectly capable Skyrim bring those feelings, especially in terms of music, randomitas, and the enemy designs are available. Walking in the city and find a dragon who suddenly fell in front of the store, belching fire, as he saw the people and the guards fled fighting is an experience that you might not get in other games. What about Amalur? Unfortunately the games biggest deficiency is very pronounced in this aspect. The need to bring the best elements of RPG games that others would lead to a lack of attention to the small elements such as sound effects, music, and design of existing enemies. Amalur bring the experience that feels so "empty" compared to the adrenaline rush that can be pumped by Skyrim.

Kingdoms of Amalur [2] VS Skyrim [5]
Skyrim: The Winner

Competition and struggle are, admittedly Skyrim perform much better than the Kingdoms of Amalur in many ways. He had proved himself as one of the most phenomenal RPG franchise that had been present in the gaming industry with its ability to bring an RPG experience that is free, solid, but it also epic in a world that is more complex. While on the other hand, Amalur who tried to penetrate to the same market would lead to produce an RPG game that is more simple and "empty" compared Skyrim. EA and Big Huge Games still have much to learn than just gathering the best RPG elements and forgot to refine.

Download Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Full Version
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Download game Khusus android terbaru gratis Plants VS Zombies 2

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Download game Khusus android terbaru gratis Plants VS Zombies 2 apk + sd data

Deskripsi Game :
Download game Plants VS Zombies 2 apk + sd data terbaru Download game Plants VS Zombies 2 full.tentunya kalian sudah familiar dengan game yang satu ini game plant vs zombie kali ini merupakan lanjutan petualangan dari versi sebelumnya,tentunya dalam game ini lebih banyak terdapat misi-misi yang baru dan belum pernah kalian lihat.dalam game ini juga terdapat banyak kelebihan dibandingkan pada versi sebelumnya.untuk itu buruan coba sendiri gamenya dan rasakan keseruannya.


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Commando Behind Enemy Lines

System Requirements!

  • OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 98/Windows 2000
  • CPU: Pentium 1
  • Processor: 120MHz
  • RAM: 16 MB
  • HDD: 125 MB free disk space
  • Graphics: 8 MB
  • Sound Card: Windows compatible Sound Card
  • DirectX: Version 7.0
  • Mouse and Keyboard

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Tom clancys rainbow six vegas 2 Free Download Full Version

Monday, May 4, 2015

.. :: Download :: ..

1. Unrar. 2. Burn the image. 3. Install the game. 4. Copy the cracked executable over from the Crack directory on the DVD to your installationBinaries directory. 5. Play the game.
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Download Game Lego Star Wars offlne Apk SD Data Khusus Android Terbaru

Download Game Lego Star Wars(offlne)Apk+SD Data Khusus Android Terbaru
Lego Star Wars(offlne)Apk+SD Data|Gendre:adventure & stratgy|requitments android 4.0 & Armv7

Deskripsi Game :
Kali ini ada yang baru diDownload Game Khusus Android Terbaru yaitu, Lego Star Wars(offlne)Apk+SD Data.Sesuai nama-nya Game Lego Star Wars game ini merupakan game star wars yang dikemas dalam tampilan lego dan dalam dunia lego,tentu itu akan menjadi daya tarik tersendiri dari game ini.Game ini mempunya 8 level permainan untuk masing-masing planet yang bebas buat kamu pilih.dengan berbagai petualangan yang mungkin bulum pernah kalian kira sebelumnya,buruan coba berbagai keseruan disetiap petualangan kalian.
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Jadi buruan download and enjoy this game.
Selamat Mencoba:)


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Street Fighter X Tekken

This Is A Torrent File.Install uTorrent For Download This Game
Download Game


2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Play the game

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Free Download PC Game Pirates Of Caribbean At Worlds End Highly Compressed 138 Mb

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hallo sobat gamer semua, kali ini saya akan share sebuah game yang didasari dari sebuah film yang pastinya sudah terkenal banget yaitu Pirates Of Caribbean. Dalam game ini pemain akan memainkan karakter Jack Sparrow dan akan berpetualang ke tempat - tempat yang berbeda untuk menemukan Pirates Lord. penasaran dengan game ini? langsung saja Download Game nya.

Spesifikasi komputer untuk memainkan game ini :
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz
Memory: 256 MB
Hard Drive: 1.4 GB Free
Video Memory: 128 MB with Transform & Lighting
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

PART 1 ( 100 Mb )
PART 2   ( 38 Mb )
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Photo Recovery

Saturday, May 2, 2015


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Download Need for Speed Rivals Gratis untuk PC

Download Need for Speed Rivals Gratis untuk PC
 Download Need for Speed Rivals Gratis untuk PC - Game balap memang sangat seru dan mengasyikkan, apalagi ditambah dengan grafik yang bagus dan mobil-mobil keren. Menjadi raja jalanan sungguh bisa terjadi. Menguasai jalanan dan berjalan dengan kecepatan tertinggi hanya akan kalian dapatkan di game Need for Speed Rivals. Tentu kalian sudah tahu betul dengan Need for Speed. Game yang sangat banyak diminati karena grafiknya yang keren dan deretan mobil supernya. 

 NFS Rivals ini gabungan dari seri Hot Pursuit dan Most Wanted dimana kalian bisa menjadi polisi dan pembalap. Yang seru dari game ini adalah kalian bisa bebas menjelajah lokasi karena game ini termasuk open world. Tentu sangat seru sekali dan berbeda dengan ser-seri sebelumnya. Tantangan yang lebih menarik akan kalian temukan disini. Buktikan kemampuan balapmu dengan menyelesaiakn tantangan yang diberikan. 

 Seperti biasa, ada banyak mobil yang telah disiapkan untuk kalian. Tentu tidak semua terbuka dan hanya tinggal pakai, membutuhkan perjuangan agar bisa mendapatkan mobil terbaik dari semua yang disediakan. Ada banyak perangkat yang bisa kalian upgrade untuk memaksimalkan kinerja dari mobil yang kalian gunakan. Upgrade perangkat tentu sangat dibutuhkan karena tidak mudah bila hanya dengan mobil biasa mau menyelesaikan misi yang sulit. Lokasi balap sangat luas dan yang menariknya ada beberapa lokasi persembunyian untuk menghindari kejaran polisi. 

Download Need for Speed Rivals Gratis

Download Need for Speed Rivals

Spesifikasi minimal untuk PC: 
Operating System: Windows XP 64-bit 
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 
Memory: 4 GB 
Hard Disk Space: 8 GB 
VGA: NVIDIA GeForce Radeon HD3870 8800GT/ATI 

Download Need for Speed Rivals
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Love triangle dating challenge

Friday, May 1, 2015

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Love triangle turns out there is also a game, it looks like fun to play on mobile phone in java that can play wherever you are. Jar games ove triangle dating challenge is an rpg game jar in seeking affair. Can you get that affair, with the converse view of a woman or a man to be your new boyfriend. 

Filetype: Love triangle dating challenge. zip
Filesize: 187.98 KB
Platforms: Java (J2ME)

Download here 

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Kali ini ada yang baru diDOWNLOAD GAME KHUSUS ANDROID GRATIS yaitu, HILLS OF GLORY 3D BETA.buruan ciptakan pasukan perang kalian.dalam game yang bergendre tower defense ini menceritakan bagaimana usaha kalian dalam menghadapi gempuran yang dilancarkan oleh pasukan musuh,dengan berbagai weapons yang disediakan kalian harus bisa merancang suatu pertahanan yang kokoh dan sulit untuk ditembus.Apakah kalian bisa menyciptakan pertahanan kokoh itu?temukan sendiri jawabanya hanya disini.
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Jadi buruan download and enjoy this game.
selamat mencoba :)



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FILE SIZE : 47.95 MB
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3d Hunting 2010

System Requirements!
Win Xp,7,8,Vista
Hard: 1 Gb
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Alien shooter

Thursday, April 30, 2015

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Adventure alien crush been troubling many people, the killing Aliens. This is an adventurous shoot game jar can be applied in mobile phone java jar file format and supports the lcd screen with 240x320 pixel size. Downloads free jar games suitable for those of you who enjoy collecting jar game shots.
Filetype: Alien shooter. zip 
Filesize: 189.3 kb
Platforms: Java (j2me), jar

Download here 

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Ferrari World Championship

Download Here!
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